UoB Postgraduate Research Festival 2024: DAY ONE

Teaching and Learning Building R22
Tuesday 18 June 2024 (12:00-17:00)

A celebration of postgraduate research at the University of Birmingham.

The University Graduate School are working with a committee of postgraduate researchers (PGRs) to organise a Postgraduate Research Festival, 18 & 19 June 2024!

This is the biggest celebration of postgraduate research at the University of Birmingham, giving postgraduates from different disciplines the opportunity to share their work with the wider University and beyond.

This year, our Festival theme is Collaboration and Connection, exploring the ways in which postgraduate research can be a collaboration with external organisations, cultural institutions, communities, in interdisciplinary projects, in open research, and as colleagues and co-authors.

The Festival includes a packed programme with events open to staff, postgraduate taught students (PGTs), postgraduate researchers (PGR), and partners of the University interested in postgraduate research (a particular welcome to PGTs and UGs applying for/considering PG studies!).

When registering for the Festival's DAY ONE, you can select which events you would like to attend below. Book events on the Festival DAY TWO programme here.

Want to join online? Register for our online events below to join in the celebrations, or follow our Linktree account to view our postgraduate exhibitions online throughout the two days.

All exhibitions and events will be located in the Teaching and Learning Building (R22 on the campus map) for the duration of the event, as well as being viewable online. Sign up as normal below and keep an eye on our Linktree for information about how to access it online.

DAY ONE EVENTS - Tuesday 18th June

Research Poster Exhibition and PGT Gallery display viewing (Open to all)

12-1pm, Teaching and Learning Building, First Floor Foyer & Lower Ground Floor Foyer

Drop-in: no need to register!

These exhibitions will be available for online viewing - see our Linktree for more.

Welcome Address & Keynote Speaker: Prof. Rachel O'Reilly and Prof. Alice Roberts (Open to all)

1-2pm, Teaching and Learning Building, Lecture Theatre 1 (101)

This event will be livestreamed - register as normal to join us online!

The Postgraduate Research Festival 2024 opens with a bang! Join us for a Festival welcome from Professor Rachel O'Reilly, and our first Keynote speaker, Professor Alice Roberts.

Our Keynote Speakers for 2024 are distinguished academics who have undertaken collaborative projects in their career. Prof. Rachel O'Reilly is UoB's Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Professor of Polymer Chemistry, and one of the Royal Society of Chemistry's 175 faces of Chemistry. Rachel leads the Rachel O'Reilly Group, receiving numerous national and international awards for her polymer and material efforts, including from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

Prof. Alice Roberts is an academic and broadcaster with research interests in evolutionary anatomy, osteoarchaeology and palaeopathology. She is renowned for her public engagement work and science communication, having presented several landmark series on the BBC and written seven popular science books. Alice has been Professor of Public Engagement with Science at the University of Birmingham since 2012, and chairs the university’s Public Engagement with Science Committee.

Research Poster Exhibition & PGT Gallery - Public Vote (Open to all)

2-2.30pm, Teaching and Learning Building, Lower Ground Floor Foyer & First Floor Foyer
Drop-in: no need to register!

These exhibitions will be available for online viewing - see our Linktree for more.

This is your time to explore our postgraduate exhibitions, and decide which you think is deserving of the public choice award. The winner will be announced at the awards presentation, 19 June at 3pm. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to see original research from across the University!

Your PGT Dissertation, Your Future (Open to PGTs)

2:30-3:30, Teaching & Learning Building, Seminar Room 109

Did you know that the process of writing a dissertation can equip you with lots of useful skills that employers value? Join the Careers Network to consider how a PGT dissertation can be used as evidence of key employability skills in future job applications, and hear a case study of how one graduate’s dissertation helped them land a job.

Open Research and You (Open to PGRs)

2:30-3:30, Teaching & Learning Building, Seminar Room LG03

How can Open Research help us become better, more collaborative researchers? Is open research the future of publication? Join the Research Skills Team for this PGR workshop on the theme of Open Research.

Widening Horizons: Extending the Reach of Postgraduate Research (Open to PGs)

2:30-3:30, Teaching & Learning Building, Seminar Room 118/119

This workshop, open to postgraduates of all levels, looks at how UoB and its students can collaborate with and connect to local community groups, organisations, and industries to establish mutually beneficial, civic research projects and outcomes. Led by the experts in UoB's Public and Cultural Engagement Team.

UGS Discussions - (Open to PGs)

3.30-5pm, Teaching and Learning Building, Room 211/212

Are you interested in discussing important topics regarding postgraduate research with fellow postgraduates? Come along to discuss our Festival theme of collaboration and connection in research with your postgraduate community. With lightning talks from expert speakers, we'll be exploring the value of research collaboration in STEM and HASS fields, interdisciplinarity, and what collaboration means for current and future postgraduates.

Then join us for Day Two! You can keep up to date with the latest news, including how you can get involved with the Festival, here: www.linktr.ee/UoBGradSchool

Full accessibility information for the Teaching and Learning Building is available here.


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