Training opportunities

There are a wide range of resources, support, training, activities and events available to you across the University to help you meet your development needs across all four domains of Vitae's Researcher Development Framework. This page will help you find them. This page also signposts to training opportunities provided by Colleges, Schools, Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs).

It is a good idea to complete your Development Needs Analysis (GRS1) form in discussion with your supervisory team before committing time to attending training courses.

Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities

This domain covers the knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research, and includes academic writing, research methods, and information literacy.

Find out about training opportunities in Domain A

Domain B: Personal effectiveness

This domain covers the personal qualities and approach to be an effective researcher, and includes time management, career management, and networking.

Find out about training opportunities in Domain B

Domain C: Research governance and organisation

This domain covers knowledge of the professional standards and requirements to do research, and includes ethics, health and safety, and copyright. 


Find out about training opportunities in Domain C

Domain D: Engagement, influence and impact

This domain covers the knowledge and skills to work with others to ensure the wider impact of research, and includes team working, publication, and public engagement. 

Find out about training opportunities in Domain D


Professional Services