PGR Development Opportunities: RDF Domain D In 'skills' Colleges, Schools, DTP trainingDevelopment Needs AnalysisEnhancing your skillsOnline group coaching for PGRsRDF Domain ARDF Domain BRDF Domain CRDF Domain DTraining opportunities Back to 'PGR' The following development opportunities are available to you across the University to help you meet your development needs in Domain D of Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework: Engagement, influence and impact. This includes the knowledge and skills to work with others and ensure the wider impact of research. Working with others (D1) Working with others (D1) on the UoB PGR Development blog Working effectively with your supervisor (Research Skills Team, Libraries and Learning Resources) The leading researcher (Vitae booklet) Communication and dissemination (D2) Communication and dissemination (D2) on the UoB PGR Development blog Communicating your Research (Research Skills Team, Libraries and Learning Resources) Raising your Research Profile (Research Skills Team, Libraries and Learning Resources) 3 Minute Thesis and Postgraduate Research Festival (University Graduate School) Influential researcher (Libraries and Learning Resources) and Social media for research (External Relations) Archiving and sharing data (Libraries and Learning Resources) Publishing strategies (Research Skills Team, Libraries and Learning Resources) Thesis guidance, Preparing for examination (Libraries and Learning Resources) Engagement and impact (D3) Engagement and impact (D3) on the UoB PGR Development blog The Brilliant Club (paid opportunities) Learning and Teaching development (Libraries and Learning Resources) Public and community engagement Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (Careers Network) The engaging researcher (Vitae booklet) The Enterprising Researcher (Vitae booklet) If any of these links are broken or you are aware of opportunities in this domain which are not listed here, please send details to