Workshop recordings archive

Workshops held during March 2024

Critical thinking and writing: this workshop explores how to apply critical analysis to your writing to achieve higher marks in your assessment.

Reading and notetaking strategies: this workshop considers different strategies for reading effectively and taking active and useful notes.

Improving your academic writing: this workshop will help you to improve your writing style. It looks at how to write clearly, concisely and critically, and how to edit your own work effectively

How to write effective paragraphs: You may have been told that you need to be more critical in your writing. This workshop looks at how you can do this in practice by writing effective paragraphs that use and comment on evidence.

Editing and proofreading techniques: Extra marks can often be achieved by ensuring your assignment is as accurate and error-free as possible. This workshop will explore some effective editing and proofreading techniques to achieve this.

Exams and revision: This workshop will help you prepare for your exams whether you're taking them online or in-person.

Dissertation workshops

These workshop recordings cover some key skills needed for successfully completing a dissertation.

Workshops held during Assessment Support Weeks in December 2023


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