FT now available online
We are pleased to announce that we now have an institutional subscription to the Financial Times online.
The Financial Times is one of the world's leading global business publications, and the subscription will offer access to news, market intelligence and analysis.
On first use students and staff will need to register for access, using their University email address (full instructions below).
If you require assistance, please contact us.
1. Follow here to find the Financial Times.
2. Select the 'Miscellaneous E Journals' link.
3. Registration is required to set up access. Please use your University email address.
4. Once registered, you will be sent an email to set your password. You will need to log in with your email address and password for continued access.
5. This link will always go to the registration page but you can enter your email address on the form and it will recognise you have already registered and request you to login.
Once registered users can go directly to https://www.ft.com/