Getting your thesis ready

For those approaching the final stages of preparing their thesis (4-6 months from submission), this workshop covers thesis presentation, the submission process and copyright considerations. 

Workshop dates

Workshops will be held on the following dates.  Please click the link on your preferred date to book your place via SuperSaas - you will need to register for a password if you are using this for the first time.

Please note: all our workshops are subject to a minimum registration requirement. If this is not met the workshop will be cancelled and you will be offered a place on an alternate date.

More information

This workshop covers topics which primarily fall under descriptors A1.7: Academic literacy and numeracy and C1.4: Intellectual property rights and copyright of Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework.


Our workshops and online courses are designed to be inclusive, catering for a wide range of disabilities. We provide accessible documents and a live transcript for online workshops as standard. Accessing the Main Library Training Room in person.

Please contact if you have any additional support requirements, and we will be happy to provide assistance.


Professional Services