Students and staff can borrow laptops from the Medical School. They are self-service and can be borrowed from lockers located in the Doug Ellis Learning Hub. If you have queries about these laptops out of hours, contact us.
- The laptops are supported by IT Services and have the same software as cluster PCs.
- The lockers charge as well as store the laptops, and only issue laptops once they have charged up.
- The laptops are issued to your library account until 21:30 the same day.
- You need your University ID card to borrow a laptop. You swipe your card at the locker unit, and the locker with your laptop in it will be indicated to you by flashing lights. You swipe your card again on the tower to open the door.
- There are 48 loanable laptops.
- DO NOT place anything other than your returned laptop in the locker.
- Make sure you log out of the laptop before returning it.
- Software is installed on the laptops which will erase any files saved to the hard drive on shutdown of the laptop. Files will not be retrievable. Save work frequently to a USB stick or your network folder.
- When you return the laptop to the locker, you must ensure the power cable is connected. Until you have done this, the device remains on your library account and your responsibility.
Please also read the conditions of use below.
Laptops are also available to borrow for use from the Main Library.
Conditions of use
- Once issued, the laptop is your responsibility, which includes liability for any damage, loss or theft and which may result in a fine or charge for repair or the full replacement value.
- Do not leave a laptop unattended at any time or loan it to anyone else.
- Whilst using a laptop you must adhere to the General Conditions of Use of Computing and Network Facilities.
- If there is an issue with a laptop you should notify a member of Library staff immediately. If the Library is closed, please notify Medical School Security.
- Library Services cannot be held responsible for damage to files or data loss incurred whilst using the laptop.
- The laptop is for personal use only. You may not borrow on behalf of someone else.
- No personal software or programs may be loaded on to the laptops.
- The laptop loan service is not available to alumni and external members and visitors
How-to video