Hannah's Blog: My graduation was a day I'll never forget

Written by Student Content Shaper Hannah Dodd

Graduation was a day that once felt like it would never come. But on Tuesday 16 July 2024, after three years of hard work and dedication, I made my dreams my reality.

Female student dressed in a black graduation cap and gown holds a bouquet of flowers

Behind the scenes

Your graduation day is more than just the ceremony, there’s a lot that goes on beforehand to make the day special. I started off my morning with breakfast prepared by my boyfriend which included a lovely spread of pastries and fruit. This was the ideal way to settle my nerves and relax before the big day.

After taking my time to get ready, we headed down to campus. The energy on the day is hard to describe in words. Parents gushing, so proud of their children’s achievement, graduands taking pictures with friends who have been there from the beginning, marquees set up for people to gather and celebrate this momentous day. There is nothing quite like it.

It was then time to get suited and booted in my cap and gown! My top tip would be to ask the fitters to check over the sizing and fit of your cap and gown. They’re here to help and it is your big day!

Soon my family arrived, beaming with pride, knowing how much perseverance and determination was required to get to this moment. After lots of pictures in some iconic UoB campus spots, the big moment rolled around…

Two female students wearing a graduation cap and gown stand with their back towards the camera

Graduand to Graduate!

It’s such a privilege to have our graduation ceremony in the Great Hall (Aston Webb), and it makes the event just that bit more special. The ceremony opened with some songs performed by the University’s brass band. This really got spirits high and also helped settle my nerves.

My advice for the ceremony would be to take it all in. For most of us, we only get this moment once, so try not to let your nerves take over and enjoy the experience.

After cheering on my course mates, it was my turn to walk the stage. Hearing my family and friends cheering me on made my heart so full. I could tell they were so proud of me. But most importantly I was proud of myself and knew that my own hard work had got me here.

After the ceremony, we were led out by the procession, while the crowd cheered, and the brass band played more music.

I then walked under Old Joe for the first time, after years of avoiding, to abide with the UoB tradition.

Female student dressed in a graduation cap and gown stands next to two other females wearing a dress and a male in a suit

Let the celebrations commence…

After the ceremony it was time to celebrate!

We kicked things off by visiting the celebration marquee, held by my School (School of Social Policy). We were offered complimentary prosecco and delicious food. Afterwards, we headed over to Harborne for a lovely family meal, before heading into Birmingham city centre for some drinks.

Graduation marked the perfect ending to the most amazing three years at the University of Birmingham. I will always look back on my time fondly and hope that the future brings as much joy and adventure as UoB did for me.


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