Careers Network
Ask us a careers question
Click on the 'Contact Us' button below to ask any career related questions.
Feedback on CVs
Please use our online CV checker for some initial feedback on your CV. Once you have done this and implemented the feedback it has given you, you can send your CV to us by email for further comments from an adviser. Please ensure that you tell us what you're applying for, and that you let us know that you have used CV checker.
Feedback on other application documents
You can send any non-CV application documents directly to us for feedback using the 'Contact Us' button below. Please ensure that you tell us what you're applying for.
Book a careers appointment
Go to Careers Connect to book an appointment with a careers adviser, or to book onto one of our events.
If you have any queries regarding accessibility in relation to careers appointments or events, or how to access our resources in a different format, please use the 'Contact Us' button below.
More information about our services can be found at:
Postgraduate students in the business school should contact the business school for all careers services: