How can I request a statement or letter?

Verify Secure Documents (My Proof of Study)

You can view, download and print many of our most popular letters using Verify, a system that students and graduates also use to view their degree documents. The letters you can access through Verify are bank letters, council tax letters and general proof of registration letters. Please make sure you complete your Online Registration promptly each year when invited to do so to enable you to access your letters. 

Students who left the University in the Academic Years from 2015/16 onwards can also use Verify to access proof of study letters confirming the details of your degree. 

Find more Verify information and support.

If you are unable to use the Verify system due to accessibility issues please contact us using the button below and we will ensure you receive your document in an accessible format.

Letters not available in Verify
You can request other letter types through our online request form. Please note that if you are a PGR student in 'thesis awaited' status, you won't have any letters available in Verify so should use the online request form.

If you are on a leave of absence or are an external student, you will need to request your letters from the Taught Student Administration team via the Online Shop.


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