Secure Documents website: how do I view and download degree documents?

You can view, share and download your electronic degree documents from the Secure Documents website (Verify), provided your course started in 2002 or later. To log in, click "student and graduate login", and log in with your university login details. These login details will still work beyond completion, however, you must enter your email address in the format if you are no longer a current student. If you no longer have your login details, or you have any problems logging in, please log a call with our IT Service Desk to retrieve/reset your details.

Once you have successfully logged in, to access your degree documents, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to "view secure documents".
  2. Click the menu button next to the relevant qualification (square button with three lines)
  3. Click "eTranscript", "eCertificate" or "eGPA Certificate".
  4. The document should appear on the screen. To download a copy, click the "download" button on the toolbar.

If the "download" button does not respond, please try a different web browser. We are aware the site has some compatibility issues with Firefox and Safari browsers. We recommend using Chrome, Edge or Internet Explorer.

If any of your degree documents are missing, or you have any queries on the content of them, please use the "contact us" link below to contact us.

You can also share your degree documents electronically using the "connections" functionality on the website – please see "how do I share my degree documents?"


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