Current student
Attended a careers appointment
“Extremely friendly and helpful, gave lots of tips on what steps I needed to take and I felt very listened to. I also feel very comfortable setting up a follow-up appointment to further discuss the steps we arranged.”
Appointments are available both online and face to face and you can have up to three of each appointment type per semester. We offer four different types of appointment:
Advice and guidance appointments (20 minutes)
Talk to one of our Careers Advisers about your career plans. Whether you have no ideas, a very clear idea of what steps you want to take, or you have completely changed your mind, book an appointment.
Internship advice appointments (20 minutes)
Advice and support from one of our Internship Officers, where you can talk about sourcing work experience and internship opportunities, as well as funding and bursary schemes for work experience and internship placements.
Application advice appointments (10 minutes)
Feedback from one of our Employability Advisers on your CV, application, cover letter, personal statement or LinkedIn profile. Please review our online resources before attending an application advice appointment.
Practice interview appointment (30 minutes)
A thirty-minute Practice Interview with an adviser for students and graduates who have an upcoming interview or assessment centre.
Book an appointment - this link will take you to your Careers Connect student sign-in. Login with your university username and password and then you will be able to book your first appointment.