Viva-related reasonable adjustments

To enable you to fully access teaching, learning, exams and other assessments, the Student Disability Service (SDS) can provide a range of adjustments. They will work with you to create an individual plan detailing what adjustments you require known as a Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP). This can include adjustments for your viva.

Full details of the RAP application process can be found on the Reasonable Adjustments webpages.

Notifying examiners of viva-related adjustments

If you have a RAP in place which contains viva-related reasonable adjustments, the following sets out the process for your examiners being notified of the required adjustments to ensure that they are carried out during the viva.

  1. When you submit your Notice of Intention to Submit form, you should indicate on the form whether you have a RAP in place (or an application for a RAP pending).
  2. This information will subsequently be included on the Nomination of Examiners form which is sent to your supervisor by Research Student Administration. Your supervisor should discuss your requirements with you as necessary.
  3. When nominating examiners and the chairperson for your viva, your supervisor will ensure that the examiners and chairperson are aware of the viva-related adjustments, so they can be carried out during the viva.

There is no expectation that the whole RAP is shared with the examiners and chairperson, just details of the viva-related adjustments.

For further information on the general support available for PGRs with disabilities, please see the Student Disability Services webpages.



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