If you usually receive additional writing time and/or rest breaks during timed examinations….
Take-home Exam
The time allowed for take-home exams (e.g. 24-48 hours) is designed to be purposefully longer than we would expect students to need to complete the task. You are not expected to work continually within the allotted time. This is to allow as many students as possible (including disabled students) to complete the assessment in accordance with their needs. As this method of assessment is already inclusive by design, extra time is not typically required for disabled students. Please prepare for this exam in advance - you are not expected to carry out your research during the exam.
If you require additional support in terms of how to approach such assessments, please contact the Academic Skills Centre and/or AWAS where appropriate.
Online Exams (those with a fixed duration for completion of 1-3 hours)
If extra time and/or rest breaks are recommended in your reasonable adjustment plan (RAP), in most cases, this additional allowance should still be allocated.
If you usually receive use of a reader/scribe in exams……..
If you have access to assistive technology, such as text to speech software (eg. Claroread / Texthelp) or speech to text software (eg. Dragon Naturally Speaking) this technology can be used in place of human support to read text and record your responses to exam questions in writing. Typically, human support would only have been put in place due to the practicalities of accessing such assistive technology in a campus-based exam environment.
Additional guidance on how to use your software effectively can be found at: Texthelp Read-Write; Claroread and Dragon Naturally Speaking
Please ensure that you have undertaken the relevant assistive software training prior to the assessment.
If you do not have assistive software (often funded via the Disabled Students’ Allowances), you may wish to use an open source software program (PDF - 75KB). The University takes no responsibility for students uploading open source software onto their own computers.
Please engage with the information and guidance offered in the Assessment Support materials on Canvas.
If you have additional queries about online exams, please contact your Disability Advisor.
Readers and scribes for in-person exams on campus
Having determined the nature of your exams (i.e. if they are on campus), please inform your Disability Advisor if you require a reader and/or scribe and confirm the arrangements with your Wellbeing Officer.