PGR form bank In 'PGR' Your registration as a postgraduate researcherAcademic progressExaminers' informationKeeping your personal information up-to-dateMeet the TeamPGR form bankPGR registrationPreparing for your thesis submission eventStaff Fee ConcessionThesis submission and examinationThesis submission and examination FAQsViva-related reasonable adjustments A Annual Progress Review form (GRS3) (Word - 57KB) D Declarations form (PDF - 141KB) Degree congregation choice form (PDF - 100KB) Development Needs Analysis (Word - 325KB) E Early submission request form (Word - 24KB) Extension to thesis submission deadline request form (Word - KB) L Leave of absence request form (Word - 131KB) M Monthly supervision record (GRS2) (Word - 30KB) N Notice of intention to submit form (Word - 26KB) P Permanent withdrawal form (Word - 53KB) Programme transfer form (Word - 199KB) Programme transfer form (downgrades only) (Word - 197KB) Programme transfer form (taught to research only) (Word - 208KB) R Reduction in registration request form (Word - 19KB) Restricted access request forms can be downloaded from the Restricting access to your thesis web pages S Supervisor approval form (Word - 103KB) T Third party editor form (Word - 21KB)