Permanent withdrawal from your studies

Voluntary withdrawal

During the course of your time at the University you may find that you want to withdraw permanently from your research degree. 

This request can be sent directly to the Research Student Administration team or through your school.

It is important that you talk to your supervisor or mentor about this decision and make sure that a leave of absence request is not a more appropriate action to take.

If you are an Undergratuate or Postgraduate Taught student please see the Taught Student Withdrawal Pages

Required to withdraw

Under the University regulations colleges/ schools can require a postgraduate researcher to withdraw from their programme of study. 

This may be due to:

  • a failure to submit required work to a satisfactory standard
  • a failure to pursue the research with reasonable diligence

A student who is required to withdraw will be given the opportunity to submit an appeal in accordance with the University appeals procedure.

  • Student appeals


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