IT Services

The College of Social Sciences IT Support Team support PC’s, peripherals and Windows servers for all staff in the College; and also student and teaching IT facilities hosted within College buildings.

The College IT Team is responsible for drafting and agreeing strategic IT objectives and financial planning at both School and College levels. This includes seeing major projects through from the initial planning stage, through testing and commissioning, and then managing ongoing support and policies such as disaster recovery plans.

The emphasis on all services delivered is that of high quality customer IT support, through the use of resilient and robust systems whenever possible.

Teams & Support

The College of Social Science IT Team is split into three areas, the Front Office, the Back Office and Research. Each team is led by an IT Manager who report directly back to the College IT manager.

To raise an IT support call for a fault or to make a service request, please use the IT Service Desk system or call 0121 414 7171


Professional Services