Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the college and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with.
- Description
- CRoSS has been a pioneering force in advancing social science commercialisation, an area less explored at the University.
- Date:
- Thursday 7th September 2023
- Description
- Call for contributions to edited book entitled "Doing Real World Research Online: Methodological and Ethical Dilemmas".
- Date:
- Thursday 12th January 2023
- Description
- By Katherine Burley, Deputy Learning and Teaching Manager
- Date:
- Tuesday 16th February 2021
- Description
- In this latest post, Angela Storer shares some of the key themes that emerged from the recent remote working feedback sessions and next steps in developing our "Positive Working Environment" as a College.
- Date:
- Monday 24th August 2020
- Description
- Head of HR Reward and Policy, Sally Ells highlighted information at a Staff Benefit session.
- Date:
- Tuesday 18th February 2020
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- Session facilitated by James Cull (POD) to teach staff effective communication techniques when holding a difficult conversation.
- Date:
- Friday 14th February 2020
- Description
- Tour of the Barber Institute of Fine Arts which gave a brief history of the Barber Institute and introduced visitors to past and presents works to include: Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir and Rossetti.
- Date:
- Friday 14th February 2020
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- Training session by POD to prepare staff for interviews which considers body language, motivation and response to questions.
- Date:
- Friday 14th February 2020
- Description
- Secondment session covering personal and career development for staff.
- Date:
- Friday 14th February 2020
- Description
- Session by Dr Graham Timmins on the regulatory context in which the University operates and considered the evolving role of the Office for Students, the significance of the Teaching Excellence Framework.
- Date:
- Friday 14th February 2020