CoSS Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Award Scheme

To complement the University's BUAFTA award scheme the College have launched the CoSS Going the Extra Mile Award (GEM Award).

This initiative aims to recognise those members of professional services staff within the College who consistently do an excellent job and frequently exceed expectations in helping to deliver the ambitions of the College. It is a simple non-competitive scheme, in which Professional Services staff can be nominated by colleagues - both academic and professional services staff - for going the extra mile.

Each nominee will receive a letter from the Director of Operations congratulating them on their excellent performance, and all recipients will have their names recognised. At the end of each month the names of all Award recipients that month will be put into a hat and the winner drawn out of the hat will receive a £25 High Street voucher.

If you would like to nominate a colleague for a GEM award, please e-mail Charlotte Wellington ( with the name of the nominee and a sentence explaining why they should receive the award.

Recent winners within the School of Business are as follows:

Lucy Austin, College Alumni Team

For the work she has done within the Birmingham Business School in working with Elizabeth Lloyd-Jones to pick up the work left by a former member of staff.  In particular, Lucy managed three events that were delivered seamlessly and she demonstrated positivity, tenacity and resilience to ensure the objectives of the programme were achieved despite not having the benefit of any handover.

David Duell, Birmingham Business School

For the work he has done in the Department of Economics in which he played a key role in inducting ten new members of staff into the Department, including the new Head of Department herself.  David also played a significant role in helping to finalise the departmental workload model, a substantial task demanding a high level of competence in Excel.

Laura Hilton, Birmingham Business School

For being an excellent example of a ‘professional gatekeeper’, combining interest, initiative, a sense of calm and good humour in a tricky and complex role.

Elizabeth Lloyd-Jones, College Alumni Team

For the work she has done within the Birmingham Business School in working with Lucy Austin to pick up the work left by a former member of staff.  In particular, Elizabeth helped to manage three events that were delivered seamlessly and demonstrated positivity, tenacity and resilience to ensure the objectives of the programme were achieved despite not having the benefit of any handover.

Jane Whitmarsh, Birmingham Business School

For being a consummate professional, providing an excellent level of support for members of the Department of Management and regularly going well beyond her job role to help staff.  Jane is proactive and willing at all times.

Kabir Ganguly, College Web Operations Officer

For the outstanding work he did over a number of weeks to support the College Marketing Communications Manager on a key presentation to University Council.  Kabir assisted with the creation of a significant amount of new video content and pulled together a Prezi presentation for the project, all whilst undertaking his regular day to day tasks and management responsibilities.


Professional Services