Research Cluster Strategy

One of the strategic challenges and priorities identified in the School Strategy Document is ‘world class research aligned with user needs’. In this document, Simon outlines the need to identity research areas which make the School distinctive and which allow us to attract world class faculty. There is scope for making new appointments in these areas – the School is expecting to fill 45 academic vacancies in the next three years – as well as encouraging applications for international and engagement fellowships in these areas.

Accordingly, colleagues have been invited to put forward proposals for research clusters which would form the basis of this strategy. In the first round, fourteen proposals were received, and in the second round, ten more detailed proposals were assessed by the Research Strategy Committee. The criteria for assessment were: sustainability in terms of staffing and resources; coherence in terms of themes and methodological approaches; the potential for making new senior appointments; leadership and existing staff investments. Track record of research funding and impact were also considered. It was agreed that some of the proposals could be combined effectively; and that others had potential and required further development. This is part of an iterative process designed to position our research for the challenges ahead in an increasingly competitive climate for research funding.

The four cluster proposals which were ranked most highly were:

  • Global Value Chains for Inclusive Growth, led by Lisa De Propris
  • Chinese Economy and Finance, led by Alessandra Guariglia
  • Entrepreneurship and Diversity, led by KiranTrehan
  • Multi-disciplinary Approach to Decision-making under Uncertainty, led by Britt Grosskopf


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