Doctoral Programme: Midlands Regional Doctoral Colloquium

The Midlands Regional Doctoral Colloquium took place on 30th April in the Business School, bringing together ninety participants from the Universities of Birmingham, Aston, Loughborough, Nottingham and Warwick. This is an opportunity for doctoral students to present their work in front of their peers as well as an opportunity to be a part of a wider community of practice within the Midlands.

This year an innovation was that Birmingham students chaired the five streams of presentations, as well as organising and hosting a social event in the evening. As in previous years, a ‘Meet the Editors’ panel was organised, with the participation of:

  • John Cadogan (Editor, International Marketing Review),
  • Paul Edwards (editor in Chief, Human Relations),
  • Trevor Hopper (Consulting Editor, Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies),
  • Nick Lee (Editor in Chief, European Journal of Marketing) and
  • Helen Rainbird (former co-editor, Work, Employment and Society).

The following students were awarded book tokens for the best presentations in their streams:

  • Accounting and Finance: Wasim Ahmad (Birmingham) and Qingfu Chai (Nottingham)
  • Inter-organisational Relations: Ali Esfahbodi (Birmingham)
  • Cities & Industrial Policy/Marketing: Olivier Sibai (Aston)
  • Stream Innovation & Management : Hitesh Kalro (Loughborough)
  • Work & Gender: Sofia Amaral (Birmingham) and Jude McNabb (Warwick).

Next year’s colloquium will be hosted by Nottingham Business School.


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