Global Value Chains Workshop 25th-26th April

More than 40 participants attended the workshop 'Global value chains implications for labour and skills', including paper givers from China, France, the Netherlands, and Austria and practitioners from the Clean Clothes, Campaign, Oxfam and the International Transport Workers Federation. The workshop took place immediately after the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory complex in Bangladesh, in which hundreds of workers died, bringing home to participants the relevance of the debates relating to labour standards and the responsibilities of major companies for the conditions in the factories from which they source their goods.

The papers focused on a range of different sectors: these included services, engineering, fresh produce, and clothing, and issues such as skills and labour shortages in emerging economies. The policy significance of pressures for on-shoring and upgrading in some sectors were discussed, as well as for off shoring in traditionally high skill core areas such as research and development. Participants discussed implications for policy and practice and the future research agenda, including the potential for future collaboration.

Below are pictures of our Lisa De Propris, Christina Niforou and Pamela Robinson contributing to the debate.

lisa-de-propris  pam-robinson  niforou

You can view interviews with some of the participants on the Global Value Chain Group's webpage.


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