Doctoral Programme news

As part of the investment programme in research announced at the School Assembly on 5th June seven new doctoral studentships have been advertised for student planning to start their doctoral studies in September. This includes six studentships which were part of the School’s research investment plan and a further studentship funded by the Midlands Excellence project. They have been advertised with a closing date of 5th July so that applications can be processed and scholarships awarded at the beginning of August. See the call for applications at:

Congratulations to Saham Alismail for winning the runner up prize in the Birmingham Brief competition at the Research Poster Conference on 12th June. Her poster was on her research on ‘Female employment in the Gulf States: a case study of flexible working’, in which she is exploring the extent to which the implementation of flexible working arrangements cam potentially encourage women in Saudi Arabia and the Guld States to seek employment.

The Excellence in supervision awards and the Michael O’Rourke publication awards presentation took place in the Elgar Concert Hall on 26th June. Congratulations are due to Isabelle Szmigin who received the Excellence in Postgraduate Research Supervision Award for the College of Social Sciences. Congratulations are also due to one of our research students Sonali Sen Gupta, who won the Michael K. O’Rourke PhD Best Publication award for the College of Social Sciences. Sonali is a PhD student in the department of Economics, who is supervised by Indrajit Ray. Both awards were presented by Professor Malcolm Press.


Isabelle Szmigin receives her award.


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