University of Birmingham and links with business partners: Capgemini Community Challenge and Deloitte consultancy training

Twenty two of our Business School undergraduates have been through a five-day programme, now in its second year, where they work as Capgemini consultants on a problem for a charity client. The first day took place at the Business School, with the next three at both Capgemini and the Charity clients that the students were assigned to help. The final day saw the students report back their solutions. Rising to a variety of ‘Apprentice-style’ business challenges, the five teams provided real solutions to problems set by DEBRA, Telford Pulling Together, Midlands Air Ambulance, Shrewsbury Neonatal Unit and Telford Food Bank. The final presentations were attended by Telford MP David Wright, in addition to the charity clients and senior Capgemini and University of Birmingham personnel.

Jake Bennett, Coordinator of Telford Crisis Network and Telford Foodbank who was impressed with the solutions offered, said: “We asked the students to work out how the Telford Foodbank was going to promote healthy eating and they produced a food plan based on studies from the NHS and a fully outlined affordable cooking course.” The newscast of last year’s challenge can be viewed here: 

This year’s Birmingham MBA students have been through an intensive one week consultancy training and simulation programme delivered by Deloitte. Deloitte bring in over ten staff from their professional services teams (including 3 Deloitte Partners), to deliver specialist consultancy training, and interact with the students through simulated Board sessions, client briefings, and solutions-based presentations. Two members of the School’s Advisory Board also come in to lead and deliver training on the programme throughout the week.


Professional Services