Meet Ian Hamley, Operations Manager

ian-hamleyI started working as the Business School’s Operations Manager on Tuesday 4th June 2013, having previously worked at Birmingham City University for 3 years as Director of Faculty Administration in the Faculty of Education, Law and Social Sciences. Prior to that, I worked for 8½ years at the University of Nottingham as Undergraduate Registry Manager in the Registrar’s Department. I also spent some time in more junior roles relating to managing research contracts and general student administration at Coventry University and the University of Central England (now BCU) when I first left university.

It is a truly fantastic time to be joining The Business School. The investment that we are making in the School’s professional services team as part of the School’s longer-term strategy is admirable, particularly in the current economic climate. More information on the stages of the Professional Services Review (PSR) will be communicated in due course and I am really hopeful that we will be able to start on the PSR well before the start of the new academic year.

Having been here for a relatively short time, I am really impressed with the dedication and commitment of colleagues. At a time of unprecedented national and international competition between HEIs, we all have a role to play in supporting our students and giving them a truly first class learning experience. We clearly have a lot of good practice already in place and I am keen to build on this and really ensure that all of our systems and process (not just relating to students) are fit for purpose and work for us and the people they are designed to support.

Finally, I would like to end this introduction by thanking everyone for welcoming me into the School with such enthusiasm. I’m really pleased to finally be here and I look forward to working with everyone. If you are passing Room 160 (University House), please do drop by and say hello.


Professional Services