News from Teaching Programmes

BSc Business Management Programme

This has been a very successful year for the BSc Business and Management suite of programmes. We have moved up 16 places from 30th to 14th in The Guardian league tables and our applications currently look very positive for September.

It was wonderful to see so many staff at graduation yesterday and I'd like to thank everyone who helped out at Open Days and Applicant Visit Days. We have received really positive feedback from parents and applicants who valued the chance to talk to staff who teach on the programme. If you would like to be involved in the future please don't hesitate to contact me - Pam and I are always on the lookout for willing volunteers!

Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone in the Undergraduate office who worked so hard to make the programme run smoothly this year. It was great to hear our external examiners comment so positively about the administration of the programme. Have a lovely Summer. Jo Duberley.


The MSc HRM recently had a reaccreditation visit from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. The CIPD panel were happy with the with CIPD Pathway, which provides students with a professional qualification in addition to the MSc and have reaccredited the programme for a further 5 years. Thank you to all those involved in the process who have contributed to this successful outcome. Rory Donnelly.

Here are some photographs of the undergraduate open days from Twitter




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