Two new chairs in Accounting and Finance: meet Jane Binner and Penelope Tuck

Jane Binner

jane-binnerJane Binner joined the Accounting and Finance Department as Chair of Finance on 1 August. Before joining Birmignham Business School she worked as Head of the Accounting and Finance Division at Sheffield Management School and as Reader in Economics at Aston Business School for 7 years. Jane has a PhD, MSc, PGCE and BA Hons in Economics from the University of Leeds. She has worked with a number of stakeholder groups such as the Home Office, Experian and the Boots Group plc. She brings expertise in analyzing the strategic investment decisions of large enterprises through econometric modelling. Jane has conducted research in econometric modelling for over twenty years and has extensive academic and commercial experience.

Jane has attracted over £1,000,000 in research funding, including awards from the EPSRC, the Leverhulme Trust, the National Science Foundation, the Jan Wallander Foundation as well as industrial funding from Boots and Experian. She has achieved international recognition for her work on the econometric performance of monetary aggregates and serves as an Advisor to the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, USA, on the construction of money. She has four books and over sixty publications in the area of Computational Finance and Economics.

Penelope Tuck

penelope-tuckPrior to joining Birmingham Business School on 1st September, I was a member of the Institute of Governance and Public Management at Warwick Business School where I specialised teaching senior public sector executives. I was the Academic Director of the partnership programme with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountancy (CIPFA) which enabled senior civil servants, local Government and NHS officials to qualify as Chartered Accountants and also obtain a post graduate degree at the same time. I also led a module for the High Potential Development scheme for Police Officers concerned with managing and using resources. Prior to Warwick, I have held academic position at the Universities of Southampton and Buckingham. In my earlier career I was a Senior Tax Manager specialising in International and Corporate Taxation for Coopers & Lybrand (now PwC) in London. I am a Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Tax Advisor.

I am interested in accounting and taxation from a social and institutional perspective. My research interests are at the boundary of accounting and organisation studies and are concerned with the interplay of identity, knowledge and power, and governance in a public policy context. I have carried out extensive research interviews within HM Revenue & Customs and have just started a research project examining the use and management by Police Forces of resources in the policing of public events such as music festivals and football matches. I am also looking at talent transition issues of senior accountants moving from the private sector into Central Government.

I am a member of the Central Government Panel of CIPFA, which is a thought leadership grouping of senior Finance Directors across central government, and also a member of the Education Committee of the Chartered Institute of Taxation.I am very much looking forward to working at Birmingham Business School especially to developing and adding to the public sector research interests of the School and to contributing to the activities and teaching of the School.


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