Doctoral Programme - ESRC Festival of Social Science

Doctoral students from the Business School participated in an ESRC Festival of Social Science event Next Generation Social Science Research at the University of Birmingham. The events were organised by Fiona Carmichael and showcased the research of the upcoming generation of social scientists, using a range of media including posters and photography.

All events took place in the fabulous new Library of Birmingham. Our own students participated in a debate in the following events: Tuesday 5 November Does Social Science matter? which involved a debate on the topicality and relevance of social science research for individuals, families, business, governments and the economy. Thursday 7 November Business, Economics and Society: working well together or tearing each other apart? with presentations by doctoral students in Business and Economics on live issues in the global world of business, finance and economics.

Students presenting their work were Doga Istanbulluoglu, Enrico Vanino, Berissa Berri, Christian Darko, Giovanni Occhiali, Maria Kozlovskaya, Alex Ampaabeng, and Charles Rahal

Below are a selection of photographs from the event. (from top to bottom; Doga Istanbulluoglu, Maria Kozlovskaya and Christian Darko).





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