Welcome to new members of staff

Meet Finola Kerrigan, Senior Lecturer in Marketing

Finola KerriganFinola Kerrigan joined Birmingham Business School as a Senior Lecturer in Marketing in September. Prior to this Finola was Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Marketing at King’s College London and Lecturer in Marketing at University of Hertfordshire. Finola specialises in research on the production and consumption of arts, social media and branding. She is the chair of the Academy of Marketing Special Interest Group in Arts, Heritage, Social and Nonprofit Marketing, an Associate Editor of the Journal of Marketing Management and on the editorial boards of a number of market-ing and management journals. She is the author of Film Marketing (Elsevier, 2010) and has edited a number of books on arts marketing and consumption. Her work has been published in journals such as European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Consumption, Markets and Culture, Journal of Macromarketing and the Scandanavian Journal of Marketing. Finola is currently working on a major interdisciplinary EPSRC project, Reel Lives, with colleagues from University of Edinburgh, Northumbria University and the Open University and has previously had research funding from the ESRC, EPSRC, London Centre for Arts and Cultural Enterprise and the London Development Agency.

Meet Ferran Vendrel-Herrero, Lecturer in Managerial Economics

ferran-vendrell-herreroFerran Vendrell-Herrero joined Birmingham Business School in September 2013 to reinforce the managerial economics group within the management department. He has extensive experience with quantitative methods and currently is analyzing the crisis of the creative industries. In particular he is part of an international and multidisciplinary team pursuing to understand the consumer value of the creative content in the digital economy. This work is conducted in cooperation with multinationals of the book and music industries. He has published in relevant 3* publications such as Technovation, International Journal of Production Economics, Regional Studies, Supply Chain Management and Small Business Economics.

Ferran has relevant links with different institutions in Spain – University of Granada, University of Deusto, Polytechnic University of Catalonia or Autonomous University of Barcelona – and launched the international conference on Business Servitization in 2012, for which is currently organizing the third edition to be celebrated in 2014. You can find more information about him on his professional webpage: www.fvendrell.com.


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