The Global Value Chains Research Cluster

gvc-logoThe Birmingham Business School has always had research distinction in themes related to globalisation with a critical view on the impact of multinational corporations on the global and local economy. The creation of the GVC Research Cluster provides a unique opportunity to consolidate such research excellence that has organically developed within the Birmingham Business School and take it to a different level leveraging its distinctive perspective on the intersection between the global economy, global network collaborations, innovation and business systems, as well as firms’ clusters.

The GVC Research Cluster includes a vibrant research community of academic staff and doctoral researchers which is diverse and multidisciplinary with expertise that ranges across labour relations, engineering, operations and supply chain management, international business, CSR reporting, industrial economics and political economy. In the scholarly debate, the study of GVCs cuts across all of these research topics whilst at the same time providing a framework for studying specific issues, such as power and governance; business ethics, labour standards and equality; sustainability and security; design and organisation; innovation and value creation as well as management.

We leverage our diversity as a strength to provide a multifaceted, multidisciplinary and multi-angled approach to studying GVCs and their impact on economies, communities, labour, institutions and the environment.

It currently includes Lisa De Propris (Director) and Steven Brammer, Layla Branicky, John Child, Victoria Hanna, Geraint Harvey, Andy Hodder, Linda Hsieh, Christopher Lonsdale, Christina Niforou, Joseph Sanderson, Paulina Ramirez, Pamela Robinson, Ferran Vendrell-Herrero, Yufeng Zhang, Nicholas Rowbottom.

We are leading GVC themed tracks at:

  1. EURAM Conference 2014 (European Academy of Management) Track on on Responsible Management of Global Value Chains, convened by Florence Palpacuer, Pamela Robinson, Corinne Vercher;
  2. Mini-conference at SASE 2014 on Multi-level institutions and the changing global-local dynamics of production in a context of crisis, convened by Phil Almond; Lisa De Propris; Maria Gonzalez Menendez; Gregor Murray; Christina Niforou; Paulina Ramirez .

Our ongoing activities include the Annual GVC workshop and monthly GVC lunch time seminars.

If you wish to have more details on what we do please check our website:


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