Meet the Team: Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Accreditation

The Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Accreditation team aims to ensure robust and appropriate processes are in place to comply with University procedures and external bodies’ requirements. As part of the investment in the Professional Services team there will be new initiatives supported throughout the team, including developments in centralising management information.

The team is led by Margaret Jelleyman and currently located across University House and JG Smith, individual team members’ responsibilities are briefly outlined below:

Accreditation and Rankings Manager – Margaret Jelleyman (JG Smith, ext 46692)
is responsible for managing all of the School and programme-level accreditation and rankings activity.

Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manager – Tamara Glenn (University House, ext 48561)
oversees and supports the programme and module approval processes, reviews, external examiners and provides advice and guidance to colleagues on quality assurance and enhancement processes.

Quality Assurance and Management Information Officer – Liz McGivern (JG Smith, ext 58216)
is responsible for ensuring colleagues have access to appropriate management information and managing the School’s feedback processes, including module evaluations, staff-student committees and peer observation reviews.

Quality Assurance and Timetabling Administrator – Adrian Leech (University House, ext 58278)
has primary responsibility for co-ordinating timetabling across the School, whilst also maintaining the generic sections of student handbooks and providing support to quality assurance processes.


Professional Services