Research outputs

If you have a research output that you have recently achieved, please contact Dr Sarah Forbes: 


Congratulations to Dr Andrew Pressey for being awarded as Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Historical Research in Marketing in the Emerald Literati Network 2014 Awards for Excellence. The Editorial team selected up to 2 reviewers to receive this award and he was chosen to recognize his significant contribution throughout 2013.

Books/ Book Chapters:

Studying Organizations Using Critical Realism: a Practical Guide has just been published in hard and paper back versions by OUP. Co-edited by Professor Paul Edwards, it contains 17 chapters giving concrete illustrations of the application of critical realism to major social science methods.

Conference achievements/ Plenary sessions:

Professor Paul Edwards gave a plenary address to the International Labour Process Conference held at King's College, London. Entitled '(How) Can Critical Social Scientists Engage with Policy and Practice?', it addressed the challenges of engagement and proposed some rules and procedures for considering the challenges. Anyone wanting to read the paper can ask Paul for a copy, but be warned that it runs to 18000 words.

U21 Graduate Research Conference in Auckland

Congratulations to Abdul Razouk, one of our Doctoral Researchers in Management who has been selected to represent the University and present his research at the forthcoming U21 Graduate Research Conference, Auckland University: 'Celebrating Ageing Research' 1st - 4th July 2014. International Relations offered two places and associated bursaries of £1,500 each to support travel to this year’s Universitas 21 Conference and Abdul, who is supervised by Fiona Carmichael and Jo Duberley, was one of the successful applicants.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

Bouvatier V., Lepetit L., Strobel F. (2014). Bank income smoothing, ownership concentration and the regulatory environment. Journal of Banking & Finance, 41(April), 53-270. DOI:

Lonsdale, C., Sanderson, J., Watson, G. and Peng, F. (2014). Beyond intentional trust: Supplier opportunism and management control mechanisms in public sector procurement and contracting Policy & Politics:

Morrell, K., & Tuck, P. (2014). Governance, tax and folk tales. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 39(2), 134-147. DOI:

Mulhall, R. A., & Bryson, J. R. (2014). Energy price risk and the sustainability of demand side supply chains. Applied Energy:


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