Research outputs for June


James Sharp delighted to report that Steve Brammer's application to the ESRC Pilot Urgency Mechanism scheme has been successful. The award - worth £159,997.27 at 80% fEC - is, to the best of our knowledge, the first successful University of Birmingham led application to the recently launched scheme and is of particular note as it comprises a multi-disciplinary, cross-College team from the Business School (Steve Brammer, Layla Branicki) and the College of Life and Environmental Sciences (David Hannah, Head of the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and two early career academics, Steve Emery and Megan Klaar).

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
The Birmingham Business School is very happy to report that Dr Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay was a member of a successful team which was successful in being awarded a grant for the evaluation of a community situated domestic violence programme by the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. The grant is worth £37, 997.10 and the team reflects a strong a multi-disciplinary, cross-College team consisting of Dr Louise Dixon (Psychology; PI), Dr Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay (Birmingham Business School; co-I), Dr Jessica Woodhams (Psychology; co-I) and Dr Surinder Guru (Social Policy; co-I).

Journal Articles

Amaral, S., Bandyopadhyay, S., Bhattacharya, S., & Sensarma, R. (2014). Crime and social conflict in India. The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 9(1), 46-56.

Barnes, S. J., & Pressey, A. D. (2013). Caught in the web? Addictive behavior in cyberspace and the role of goal-orientation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 86, 93-109. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2013.08.024.

Calice, G. (2014). CDX and iTraxx and their Relation to the Systemically Important Financial Institutions: Evidence from the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. DOI: 10.1016/j.intfin.2014.03.011.

Carmichael, F., & Ercolani, M. G. (2014). Overlooked and undervalued: The caring contribution of older people. International Journal of Social Economics, 41(5), 397-419.

Child, J., & Hsieh, L. H. (2014). Decision mode, information and network attachment in the internationalization of SMEs: A configurational and contingency analysis. Journal of World Business. 35(6). DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2013.12.012.

Child, J., Ihrig, M., & Merali, Y. (2014). Organization as Information–a Space Odyssey. Organization Studies, 35(6), 801-824.

Cole, M. A., Elliott, R. J., & Okubo, T. (2012). International environmental outsourcing. Review of World Economics, 1-26. DOI:10.1007/s10290-014-0193-6

Ercolani, M. G., & Ercolani, J. S. (2014). Watching the watchmen: A statistical analysis of mark consistency across taught modules. International Review of Economics Education. DOI: 10.1016/j.iree.2014.05.001.

Mahzan, N., & Lymer, A. (2014). Examining the adoption of computer-assisted audit tools and techniques: Cases of generalized audit software use by internal auditors. Managerial Auditing Journal, 29(4), 327-349.

Nobre, F. S., Walker, D., & Brown, M. (2014). Ability-based view in action: a software corporation study. BAR-Brazilian Administration Review, 11(2), 164-187.

Pressey, A. D., Gilchrist, A. J. P., and Lenney, P. (forthcoming). Sales and Marketing Resistance to Key Account Management Implementation: An Ethnographic Investigation. Industrial Marketing Management.

Pressey, A. D., Vanharanta, M., and Gilchrist, A. J. P. (forthcoming). Towards a Typology of Collusive Industrial Networks: Dark and Shadow Networks. Industrial Marketing Management.

Puthusserry, P. N., Child, J., & Rodrigues, S. B. (2014). Psychic Distance, its Business Impact and Modes of Coping: A Study of British and Indian Partner SMEs. Management International Review, 54(1), 1-29.

Sethna, Z., Jones, R., & Edwards, R. (2014). Entrepreneurial species: Influences of business and social contexts on indigenous and non–indigenous types. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 10(2), 267-295.

Vanharanta, M., Gilchrist, A., Pressey, A., & Lenney, P. (2014). The Reflexive Turn in Key Account Management: Beyond Formal and Post-Bureaucratic Prescriptions. European Journal of Marketing. ISSN 0309-0566.

Book chapter

Anderson, RG.A., Binner, J.M., Hagstromer, B. & Nilsson, B. (forthcoming) Measuring Equity Market Liquidity with High Frequency Trading Data. In D. Lee, & G. Gregoriou (Eds.), High Frequency Trading a Practical Approach, Elsevier.

Binner, J.M., Ferrario, M.A., Frankova, K., Garton, L., Lawlor-Wright, T., Osmond, J., Rainey, M., Simm, W., Whittle, J., & Woodcock, A. (2014) Digital Innovation with VoiceYourView: Contributions to Knowledge and Lessons Learned. In Design in the Digital World. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Heyes, J., & Lewis, P.C. (forthcoming) ‘Employment protection and the prospects for a jobs-led economic recovery’, in C. Hay, & J. Green (Eds.) The British Growth Crisis, Pagrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Heyes, J., Lewis, P.C., & Clarke, I. (2014) Varieties of Capitalism, varieties of crises. In Vidal, M & Hauptmeier, M. (Eds.), The Comparative Political Economy of Work and Employment Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Jones, R & Sisay, S. (forthcoming). Strategic Orientation in SMEs. In K. Todorov, & D. Smallbone (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. IGI Global Publishers.

Kelly, L., Binner, J.M., Chang, C.l., & Tseng, Y.H. (2014) Monetary policy in Taiwan: the implications of liquidity. In D. Lee, & G. Gregoriou (Eds.), Handbook of Asian Finance (Volume 1 and Volume 2). Elsevier.

Preston, J., Binner, J.M., Branicki, L. & Galla, T. (2014) City Evacuations: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Springer Publishers.

Schmidt, V.A., & Binner, J.M. (2014) A Semi-automated Display for Geotagged Text in City Evacuations: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Springer Publishers.

Notable mentions

Oral evidence for EPSRC "Next Generation Resilience" entitled "DFUSE: Game Theory and Adaptive Networks For Smart Evacuations” was presented to the Houses of Commons Select Committee on 18 June. Professor Jane Binner and Dr Layla Branicki are co-investigators of this EPSRC project.


Dr Rosalind Jones of the Marketing Department was invited and delivered the opening keynote speech entitled 'Celebrating being attractive AND different: an introduction to Entrepreneurial Marketing from the independent school perspective' at the AMDIS conference, Association of Marketing and Development in Independent Schools, The Belfry, Sutton Coldfield on 12th-13th May. The audience consisted of 400 Marketers and Head teachers. The top key independent schools were represented and it provided an excellent opportunity to provide thought provoking insights to schools operating in a highly competitive market, particularly the boarding school market and of course to promote the Business School, and the University of Birmingham with many of these schools sending pupils to Russell Group universities.


Dr Paul Lewis was invited to write a guest post titled, “Will technology save us? Rising inequality cannot be explained or alleviated by technological change alone’ on the ‘speri.comment:the political economy’ blog at the University of Sheffield. Take a look:


Dr Rosalind Jones of the Marketing Department has presented a paper in the World ICSB Conference, Dublin 12th-16th May on 'Social enterprise: bridging the gap between public and private sector support', with Elizabeth Heyworth, her daughter, also an academic!

Financial Resilience Research Cluster events

1) Stakeholder workshop on "Policy Challengers" and speed dating on 17 September

2) ESRC Festival of Social Science Town Hall 5 November 5 - 7pm

3) Maxwell Fry Global Finance Lecture 29 October 17.15 for 17.30 pm G12 Chief Economist and Executive Director, Monetary Analysis and Statistics, Bank of England, Andrew Haldane

4) Grant Writing Retreat 7 - 9 January 2015

5) Launch Event 25 March

Survey for you to complete (voluntary)

James Sharp extends a thank you to those who attended the seminars recently staged as a joint venture between the Business School and College Research Support Office (CRSO). In the CRSO, the team at the College Research Support Office are always seeking opportunities to improve the service they deliver and your feedback forms an integral part of enabling us to do so. In anticipation of similar events in the future, we have prepared a short 7-question survey in the hope of incorporating your feedback into shaping such seminars.

The survey can be accessed here: If you can spare five minutes out of your day to complete the survey, it would be hugely appreciated. If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Next issue

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