Business Process Reviews

We would like to update all colleagues on a stream of work that is shortly to commence.

As some of you may know, there was recognition during the early planning stages of the Professional Services Review that some of the School’s processes had become outdated and that there was a clear need to have more of a collective understanding as to what constitutes ‘business as usual’.

With the subsequent planned growth in the School’s staff and student populations, the reorganisation of the School’s professional services team and the restructuring of our academic departments, it remains crucial that our core processes are reviewed, documented and shared with relevant sections of the School.

The School’s Senior Management Team have unanimously and unconditionally approved a review of 33 processes and senior members of the Professional Services Team will be leading on these reviews shortly. As part of their work, each lead will ensure they connect with appropriate representatives from both professional services and academic colleagues from across the School/College (where appropriate) so please do contribute to these if you are approached for your ideas and thoughts.


Professional Services