Obituary: Malcolm Everett

Malcolm P Everett – 25.09.46 to 16.02.14

For those of us who have been privileged to work with Malcolm, his passing has left us very sad indeed and despite his various health problems, we were truly shocked at the speed of his demise.

Malcolm joined the University 42 years ago and worked in Registry before joining the Faculty and transferred to the new School of Business in 1989 and the MBA team. He had formerly been Senior Assistant Registrar before faculties were abolished.

During his time here he participated in and contributed to, many recruitment visits, MBA fairs, accreditation exercises as well as taking and sharing photographs for use in our brochures and prospectuses. He took wonderful photos having a very keen eye for an amateur photographer and was always exceedingly careful about the composition.

Malcolm was an enigma, very much a man of his time. He possessed a breadth of knowledge about many, many things that made him fun and interesting to chat to. His interests were broad and varied. He liked to keep up-to-date with world affairs and seasoned many conversations with his knowledge around many subjects.

Malcolm was a fiercely loyal individual, particularly so to the University of Birmingham and devoted much of his working life to its administration and improvement, even going so far as trying to have a train named after it! His wealth of information about the institution’s history, its staff and programmes was extremely wide ranging.

And so, to conclude, Malcolm Everett was a gentle man who touched and enriched many lives during his life that was so cruelly cut short, he still had much to offer if his health had but allowed, bearing his terminal condition with admirable stoicism, yet right to the last he still had a smile and a tale to tell when visited.

This University has lost a fervent ally, his colleagues a true friend.

We shall ALL miss you Malcolm – at peace at last.

Several people have asked if there are any arrangements for a fitting memorial to Malcolm and the service he gave to both to the wider University and more latterly, the Business School. In view of this, enquiries were made and Winterbourne Gardens, where Malcolm spent many happy hours, have granted us permission there to install a bench and plaque dedicated to Malcolm.

A link has been set up on the online shop to gather monies from anyone who might like to contribute to the collection for the aforementioned bench & plaque – please click here to donate.

Alternatively, donations in memory of Malcolm, in lieu of flowers, may be made to The British Heart Foundation.


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