13th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Non-Profit and Social Marketing

13th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Non-Profit and Social Marketing, “Understanding impact in arts, heritage, social marketing and non profit marketing”.

Deadline for abstracts: 9th June 2014.

Wednesday 3rd September 2014, Birmingham Business School, UK

About the Colloquium
Birmingham Business School and the Academy of Marketing invite submissions to the 13th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Non-Profit and Social Marketing. Previously hosted by London Metropolitan Business School, Leeds Metropolitan University, Bradford Business School, King’s College London, the University of the Arts, Heriot Watt University and the University of Reading, this Academy of Marketing event is designed to provide an interface between academics and reflective practitioners wanting to draw on the very latest theoretical and empirical non-profit, social, arts and heritage marketing research.

Colloquium theme
Whilst the Colloquium organisers welcome submissions on all aspects of arts, heritage, non-profit and social marketing (see below) the 2013 Colloquium has the theme: ‘Understanding impact in arts, heritage, non profit and social marketing’. The term impact is pervasive in academia, however, there are a number of ways in which impact can be understood. In relation to the colloquium, we would like to invite presenters to consider the impact of their research on a broad range of stakeholders and to consider the impact of engagement with arts, heritage, non profit and social marketing for society and individuals.

Keynote Speakers

In addition to the Colloquium theme, we will be pleased to receive papers on all aspect of nonprofit, social, arts and heritage marketing. Both academic and practitioner papers are welcome on topics such as:

  • Social marketing
  • Arts, museum and heritage marketing
  • Advertising and promotion for arts and nonprofit organisations
  • Branding and positioning for arts and nonprofit organisations
  • Cause-related marketing
  • Campaigning
  • Health Marketing
  • Database marketing
  • Fundraising and donor behaviour
  • Co-creation of value
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Place Marketing
  • Ethical issues in relation to nonprofit, arts and heritage marketing
  • Developments in marketing theory (including critical marketing theory) in the nonprofit domain
  • Public policy
  • New technology and nonprofit marketing
  • Relationship marketing and relationship management programmes in the nonprofit or arts marketing area
  • Audience development
  • Organisation of the marketing function within nonprofit or arts organisations
  • Corporate image, identity, and reputation issues within nonprofit or arts organisations
  • Case studies of marketing strategies that have worked successfully

How to submit an abstract
Authors wishing to present a paper at the Colloquium should submit an abstract, which will be made available at the event. Authors responding to this call will be informed of decisions on their acceptance by 25th of June 2014.

All submissions should have a cover sheet that includes the following information:

  • Title of paper
  • Contact person’s name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, telephone number and email
  • Names, institutional affiliations and email addresses of all other authors.

The abstract should be in English and between 750 and 1,500 words in length. A suggested approach would be to include an overview of the theoretical context, research objectives or questions, research methodology, main findings and conclusions. However we also welcome practitioner papers – the purpose of the abstract is to evaluate the quality and appropriateness of the paper to the intended audience.

Please send your submissions as a word or pdf document to Finola Kerrigan at sigcoll2014@gmail.com. All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process.

Colloquium fee
The fee for the Colloquium will be £50 for members of the Academy of Marketing, £30 for doctoral students and £70 for others. For information on joining the Academy of Marketing, see http://www.academyofmarketing.org/membership/join-the-academy-of-marketing.html. Payment may be made by a cheque or through the University’s online payment system. Additional details of payment methods will be made available at a later date.

Further information
Contact Dr. Finola Kerrigan, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, University House , Edgbaston Park Road Birmingham, B15 2TY UK. F.kerrigan@bham.ac.uk


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