Our unique partnership with Deloitte

deloitte-2The fourth Birmingham MBA Deloitte Consultancy Challenge took place here at the beginning of the month. The Birmingham MBA remains the only one in the country to be able to offer a full week’s consultancy training from such a renowned global consultancy firm, and our students benefit from board simulations, training sessions, and an in-depth case-study scenario, delivered by a range of Deloitte personnel, right up to Partner level, throughout the week. The programme is an excellent example of collaboration between Professional Services, Academic Staff and our Advisory Board Members, together with a leading global consultancy and employer. Both our fulltime MBA and Exec MBA students took part on the programme together, and indeed one of our PhD students who had expressed an interest to partake.

The student response to the week was immensely positive:

“I had a lot of fun during the week, working with fellow colleagues in a collaborative and competitive manner was challenging and exciting. The Board meeting role play was in my opinion the best and most helpful session. The role-play exercise allowed me to experience a ‘real life’ consultancy setting that could have very easily been an assessment centre or interview exercise. The skills I learnt before the session in effective questioning really helped during the role-play and the experience is definitely something I can use for future interview preparation. The next best session was the presentation back to the Board on Friday morning. I think it was a good idea to present in front of everyone as this reflects how you might be observed in actual interviews. The feedback from the role-players was also very valuable in understanding what your strengths are and what areas you have to improve.” Vickram Selvakumar MBA Global Banking and Finance 2014

Perhaps the best news is that Deloitte have agreed to commit to the programme for a further year in 2015.



Professional Services