Facilities update

We’d like to take this opportunity to update you regarding a number of exciting developments relating to the School’s building portfolio:

Alan Walters Building

As you can see from the pictures below, work on the Alan Walters Building (AWB) is drawing to a close. Some snagging and cleaning remains, but we’re pleased to report the handover to the University should be achieved within the next couple of weeks.

alan-walters1In view of the imminent completion of AWB, planning is taking place regarding the migration from University House and J G Smith Building to AWB, most probably in July and August, of several members of the Professional Services Team; colleagues in the MBA Programme Office, MSc Programme Office, and the Careers in Business Team.

This is with a view to full occupation of the building and provision of services in time for the beginning of the next academic year. A meeting of the School’s Accommodation & Facilities PGC Task and Finish Group will convene shortly to finalise arrangements with key stakeholders.


Ash House

Refurbishment of Ash House began on 7 March. Work by the contractors, MK, is likely to last eight weeks, with completion scheduled for 29 April.

The occupants of the building will be CRÈME and City-REDI on the ground floor and the Marketing Department on floors one and two. The refurbishment of the building has provided an opportunity to develop a modern and vibrant office environment, including a staff collaborative working space, a number of varying sized meeting rooms, and cellular singleton and shared offices. It has also afforded an opportunity to co-locate Faculty from the Marketing Department.

Planning for moves is ongoing. It is likely that in May City-REDI colleagues will move from their temporary accommodation on floor 2 of Ash House to the ground floor and CRÈME will relocate into Ash. Following this, potentially in the window between marking and the end of summer term, Faculty in the Marketing Department will move from University House. The Academic Support Administrator for the Marketing Department will also be based in Ash House for part of the week.

Full details will be shared with colleagues shortly.

University House

Discussions will shortly begin in earnest regarding options for the utilisation of vacated office space in University House and The Lodge following the migration of colleagues to AWB and Ash House.


We’ll provide further progress updates regarding AWB, Ash House and staff moves in future newsletters.

Ian, Louise and Donna 


Professional Services