Food Fellows wins award for healthy and sustainable meals

Food Fellows 1
Vale Infusion - the University’s biggest restaurant

Vale Infusion is celebrating the award of 'Food for Life Served Here' certification from the Soil Association for serving healthy and sustainable meals.

The Food for Life Served Here bronze award from the Soil Assocation verifies Food Fellows’ commitment to climate, nature, and health. It is the result of months of work to improve how food is grown, sourced and cooked at Vale Infusion – the University’s biggest restaurant – where 70% of Food Fellows meals are prepared.

A bronze certificate means meals are freshly prepared by trained chefs. All ingredients are free from additives, artificial trans fats and GM ingredients. The meat served can be traced back to the farm and meets or exceeds UK animal welfare standards, eggs are free range, fish is sustainable, and menus make the most of seasonal ingredients, all of which reduces the environmental impact of menus.

Associate Director, Culinary, Development, Events and Logistics, Shaun Craig of Food, Beverage, and Retail said: “It’s fantastic news! We are passionate about sustainability and have transformed the way we work to ensure the food we serve – from farm to fork - is locally and ethically sourced. This award proves it.

“A huge thanks to Campus Services’ Environmental Sustainability and Engagement Manager Jade Willetts and the whole of my team for their dedication and hard work bringing food on campus up to the very highest standards.”

Food for Life Served Here certification recognises and celebrates caterers who use sustainable ingredients, champion good practice and cook from scratch. Accredited caterers undergo annual independent inspections.

For more information about Food Fellows online.


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