Totem advert guidance

The University’s 12 digital totem screens, located at key access points across campus, offer a great navigational tool for students, staff and visitors to campus, as well as providing useful up-to-date information to users.

When they are not being interacted with, the totems are ‘idle’ and can act as displays for up to four electronic adverts at any given time. These adverts are managed by the Communications and Reputation team in External Relations.

How can I have an advert on the screen?

If you would like an advert displayed on the totems, your advert must be relevant to a wide cross-section of the University. 

What do you mean?

As an example, for students, this might be pointing them in the direction of the annual NSS Survey or Welcome Week, and for staff it could be promoting the Have Your Say staff survey or campaigns such as #WeAreInternational.

Requests that have a smaller target audience or relate to a specific College or Professional Service department are not able to be published on the totems and you should contact your local communications team to discuss promotion.

Format requirements

File type: JPEG image
Image quality: Images must be professionally created, adhere to the University’s brand guidelines and be supplied in high resolution
Image size: 1080 x 1920 pixels for the full screen kiosk

Totem advert checklist:

  • Aimed at a large cross-section of the University
  • Complies with the University of Birmingham brand
  • Sized 1080x1920px 
  • Is a JPEG Image
  • Image is high resolution

Providing your advert meets all of the above, please contact the team with a minimum of two weeks’ notice, specifying the start and end date for the advert. Images should also be supplied at least 48 hours before the go-live time. Please include ‘Totem advert request’ in the email’s subject line.

As long as all of the above criteria is met your request will be considered by the team. However, please note that due to demand we cannot guarantee that your advert will be displayed and priority will be given to notices that are of strategic importance to the University.

Top Tip

We recommend keeping the detail on the advert to a minimum and just display the essentials. Screens will display for approximately 1 minute so be mindful that providing too much information will be hard for the audience to read. You can always supply a link as part of the image so your viewers can find out more. 


Professional Services