- Describe what you were trying to do and what is happening.
- If the call is in respect of an employee that you manage please state the FULL name of the individual concerned. If the employee has more than one assignment, please identify whether the issue applies to one or all of the assignments.
- If requesting a change of data, this will probably need to be dealt with through Finance or HR but if you believe it should be a Core Systems action, please state what the data is currently and what you believe it should be.
- If there are any performance issues, e.g. a page won’t load, state the time that it happened and the page affected.
- Provide screenshots or descriptions of any error messages if appropriate, redacting any personal or sensitive information.
- Check if you have the authority to make the request, or whether it should come from your manager.
I am getting an ‘authentication failed’ message when trying to log-in.
This could be due to not selecting the correct login button. When logging in to the system, use the 'Company Single Sign-On' box. Further details are on the intranet at https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/university/core-systems/about/access.aspx
I am getting an error message when trying to access the system off-campus via remote access service.
Please ensure that you have the “all internet activity” box ticked, and that you are accessing via use of google authenticator. Further details are on the intranet at https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/university/core-systems/about/access.aspx
I get an error screen when logging out of Core Systems.
This has been rectified and replaced with a message advising you to close your browser window to complete the logout process. Please ensure that you follow this guidance when logging out.
How can a Line Manager add or amend their direct reports structure?
If you see additional Direct Reports on your My Team page, or some that are missing, the assigned Line Manager has the ability to correct this and choose the right one. If your Direct Report(s) is missing you can see who the Line Manager is by searching for the Direct Report on the Core Systems Directory and contact the stated Line Manager to advise to correct. Change Line Manager: Step-by-Step Guide
My ‘emergency contacts’ field is blank.
Employees are requested to add emergency contact information to their personal profile via the edit feature within the contacts area of their profile on the system.
Can I add lines with different tax codes to the same catalogue requisition?
No. Multiple lines that have different tax codes will not be accepted within catalogue requisitions. If using multiple codes, each of these must be raised as a separate requisition. It is however accepted to add multiple lines to a catalogue requisition if they are against the same tax code.
Can I add multiple suppliers to the same non-catalogue requisition?
No. For non-catalogue requisitions please raise a separate requisition for each supplier.
I am filling in an expense claim and there is no option to apply a project code.
In this case the role to claim against a project code is missing, this is a self service role, you can ask for access on the roles request form here. Please select 'Project Expense Claimant' under Self-service roles required, 'Position of approver' can be 'No approval required'.
I am having trouble accessing the Research Dashboard
In most cases this is a browser caching issue - unfortunately if your browser cached the New Core system page before the new role was given to you, this impedes your access to it on future uses of that browser.
The following article gives you instructions for clearing your cache - you will need to ensure you clear out passwords etc. as well as temporary files: https://universityofbirmingham.service-now.com/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB13347
Browser cache clearing should resolve the issue, but if required; a workaround is to use private browsing or incognito mode, or try using a different browser to access Core Systems, one that you haven't used before.
My job title is incorrect
If your job title needs to be amended please log this as a request with HR via the HR portal at: https://universityofbirmingham.service-now.com/hr/portal.do
I need to change a work schedule or position
Tailored forms for common queries and requests have been created on the Core Systems Service Desk area. Click on either 'New/Change Position' or 'Change Work Schedule'.
I have an account code query
The Finance Office have produced a helpful guide to new account codes on the intranet at: https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/finance/Account-Codes.aspx this contains useful information on general ledger and research project codes.
I've updated my bank account details within my expense claim - will this also update for Payroll?
No. If you also want to update your payroll payment details you must edit this directly within the payroll section of your personal profile.
How can I access my payslips?
You can access them by logging into Core Systems and clicking on the 'Pay' tile under 'Me' and 'My Payslips' or the 'Show More' under 'Me' and 'My Payslips'. You will not be able to see any historic payslips, only June 2019 onwards will be available.
What about P60s?
You will be able to access them from the same 'Pay' tile/section as Payslips.
I have reviewed my payslip and have a query, who do I contact?
If you have recently had any sort of contractual change then please direct your enquiry to HR via the HR Service Portal (https://universityofbirmingham.service-now.com/hr/ or +44 (0)121 415 8425). Further information can also be found at https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/hr/index.aspx
For enquiries related to student or casual work please contact Worklink:
*Student Work queries: worklink@contacts.bham.ac.uk or +44 (0)121 414 5000
*Non-Student Casual Work queries: worklinkcasuals@contacts.bham.ac.uk +44 (0)121 414 922
For any other payroll enquiries please contact Payroll via the HR Portal.
Why are the time cards different for casual students and non-students?
This is as expected: students have start and stop times and non-students have quantity of hours on their time cards.
Please review the casual work timecard guide for details on how to complete each one:
How do I find position numbers for recruitment for my existing roles?
You can search for position numbers by searching for the current role holder (or their manager) in the Directory and then clicking on the 'View in Organization Chart' icon next to their initials or photo. You will be able to see position titles, with position numbers underneath, for all direct reports.
Purchase Orders are not being sent to the right email address/the supplier has not received the Purchase Order
Purchase Orders are sent automatically to suppliers when being converted from requisitions, to email addresses held on the system for this purpose. If you believe that the email address is incorrect or that the supplier has not received the PO at all, please contact Finance through the Finance Service Portal and let them know to update the email address for that particular supplier. You may have to share the PO with the supplier directly yourself but going forward this should resolve any issues.
Phone number is displaying to line managers in certain parts of the system
On certain screens in Core Systems it is possible for your line manager to see your Primary phone number. Only your line manager will be able to see it on those screens, however you may still wish to check and update this to ensure the correct Primary number is displaying e.g. your work phone. Please go to
your Personal Information >Edit to make the necessary changes.
I have received a 'Hold on Invoice' notification - what does this mean?
The system will attempt to match an invoice that has come through to an existing PO, which relies on the orders being receipted (anyone in a given area can search and receipt an order, it doesn't have to be the original requester). If orders are not receipted to the invoiced quantity/amount, the original requester will receive a system notification that will advise them of this. Orders must be receipted in a timely manner otherwise the suppliers cannot be paid within the agreed timescales.