Whilst you are a ‘normally registered’ student, as part of your research you may need to undertake fieldwork at a location away from the University. If you do choose to do this, you must submit an authorised absence request.
When you are writing up your thesis, and are in ‘thesis awaited’ status, you may choose to do some or all of your writing up in your home country. Again, if you do choose to do this, you must submit an authorised absence request.
As you will still be studying whilst completing fieldwork or writing up, the University may approve a period of absence longer than eight weeks. We must fulfil our obligations as a Student route sponsor and continue to monitor your academic engagement and progress whilst you are away.
We recommend you discuss your plans with your supervisor before applying for authorised absence.
Reporting absences to the Home Office
If you intend to return to the University and continue with your studies at the end of your absence, we will inform the Home Office that you have temporarily changed your study location. This will not affect your visa.
If you take an authorised absence for the purpose of writing up your thesis in your home country, you will be asked to confirm on the request form whether you plan to return to the University to complete your studies. If you tell us that you don’t plan to return, we will report to the Home Office that you have returned to your home country to complete your studies there. We will withdraw immigration sponsorship, and you will not be allowed to return to the University on your current Student route visa.
If you have any questions about withdrawal of immigration sponsorship and what this means for you, we strongly advise that you contact the International Student Team (IST).