For supervisors access to the online GRS2 form is via the Staff Gateway. From this you will be able to access and complete a GRS2 form for each of the PGRs that you are recorded as lead supervisor for the current month and see previously completed forms. It is expected that the lead supervisor will be the supervisor who normally completed the GRS2 form and the e-mails generated form the system will therefore only be sent to the lead supervisor.
You can access this gateway page on-campus only. If working off-campus you will need to be using the Staff VPN. You will need to login using your University email and password (similar to logging into the intranet).
PGRs will receive an email notification at the beginning of each month to advise that the GRS2 form for the month is open and ready for completion. The form will close at the end of the last day of the month and it will then not be possible to make amendments to the form but you will be able to view the completed form.
Where you have not had any contact with a PGR, you are able to record this on the online GRS2 form including a brief summary to explain the circumstances. For example, if the PGR has not responded to requests to attend a meeting, you can record this; in the months where a part time PGR is not due a supervision meeting, you should tick the no contact section and add a note to advise that the PGR is part time and not due a supervision meeting this month.
The online GRS2 step-by-step guide (PDF - 1.8MB) explains in detail how to use the online GRS2 form. - To be updated
The online GRS2 quick guide (PDF - 300KB) provides an at-a-glance overview of the process. - To be updated
To supplement the above guides and to provide answers to questions that may arise when using the online GRS2 form, a list of potential questions and answers for supervisors and postgraduate researchers has been drawn up.
If you have any queries about:
- Access to the Staff Gateway please contact the IT Helpdesk.
- If you are not the lead or c-supervisor of any of the PGRs in the list displayed on the list of PGRs you see via your GRS2 forms, please advise your local PGR Administrator (PDF - 420KB).