Policy and Quality Assurance within Registry

University crest with motto

Information about a number of different areas that fall within the Policy and Quality Assurance sub-division's remit:

Academic Policy and Quality Framework

The University’s framework for assuring the quality of its academic provision for all students.


Meeting dates, Terms of Reference and papers for the University’s policy- and quality-related committees.

Annual Review

Annual Review provides schools with a regular opportunity to reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching and supervisory portfolio, with a view to the continual enhancement of provision for students.

External Examiners System for Taught Programmes

The External Examiner system enables the University to ensure that the qualifications it awards are of an appropriate standard and that student performance is judged appropriately.

Programme and Module Development

The processes to follow and sources of advice to consult when developing, or redeveloping programmes of study.

Student Representation System

Details about the University’s system for ensuring that the student voice is heard.

University Legislation

Information about the University's legislation, including Regulations and Codes of Practice.

Extenuating Circumstances

Forms and guidance on the Extenuating Circumstances procedure.

Student Conduct

Student Conduct performs a broad range of functions in relation to allegations of student misconduct.

Student Complaints and Appeals

Student Complaints and Appeals is responsible for handling student complaints and academic appeals

Collaborative Provision

The processes to ensure collaborative arrangements are developed and maintained in line with the University’s high expectations for quality of academic provision.

Peer Enrichment of Teaching

All academics involved in teaching undertake Peer Enrichment of Teaching (i.e. they observe and are observed) on a regular and systematic basis. For more information please visit the Peer Enrichment of Teaching page.



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