University Legislation sets out the circumstances in which students will be subject to disciplinary or fitness to practise measures and detail the procedures to be followed in the event of reported student misconduct or fitness to practise concerns. The University also has processes which enable students to make representations against progress decisions which have had a negative effect on them or their future career (academic appeals); to express dissatisfaction with their experience at the University or the service it provides (student complaints); or, under special circumstances, if all other avenues have been exhausted but an issue remains unresolved, raise a grievance to University Council. These procedures ensure that matters can be dealt with efficiently, that the University’s standards are maintained, and that it will take seriously concerns raised by its students or about its students where necessary.
Data on these processes are reported to the Quality, Enhancement, and Standards Committee (QESC) each academic session. QESC may take action, as necessary, in response to this data (for example, by instigating a Specific Check). This data is also reported to the University’s Council each academic session.