Conciliation is very much an informal process, and provides an opportunity for certain types of issue to be resolved without recourse to more formal processes, or other types of escalation or further steps. Conciliation is an entirely voluntary process and relies on consent from both parties before it can begin. The Conciliation team is composed of selected, trained volunteer members of University staff. Most Conciliations will involve the Conciliator meeting with both parties separately, with a view to arranging a joint meeting where issues can be discussed between the parties in dispute together, in a safe environment, and hopefully where an agreement can be reached. Each party would then agree in writing to adhere to this agreement. Each Conciliation is different and meetings may be shorter or longer depending on the complexity of the matter.
Conciliation is similar to mediation but allows for a more flexible approach to resolving disputes, both in terms of time commitment and in the role of the Conciliator, who can offer guidance and advice if appropriate.
You may request Conciliation by contacting the Conciliation Co-ordination team at Similarly, if you would like more information on Conciliation, this is also the best way to contact us. In addition to specific requests, the University will consider whether complaints submitted under the Code of Practice for Student Concerns and Complaints are suitable for Conciliation, and will seek to make the necessary arrangements in appropriate cases.
If you matter is considered suitable for Conciliation, you will be informed by the Co-ordination team and advised on the next steps.
If you are encountering difficulties with other people on campus and need support, you may be able to find help and support here: