Expectations of Behaviour

The University of Birmingham is a great place to live and study, and we want you to have an enjoyable and safe time as a member of a diverse University community. As a student of the University of Birmingham you required at all times to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner in your day to day activities, including in your dealings with other students, staff and external organisations.

During your time as a student, we expect you to behave: 

  • Safely, and with regard to the safety of others;
  • With civility, consideration and respect for others;
  • In accordance with University policies, rules and regulations, and all applicable laws.

You have a responsibility to treat all members of the University community with respect and represent the University as responsible ambassadors through your good conduct on and off campus. This applies anywhere and at any time but is particularly important whilst on campus, on fieldwork or placement, on other study away from the University, on the sports field, or whilst engaged in any other University of Birmingham-related activity.

Good conduct means:

  • Recognising the diversity of the University community and not discriminating against others
  • Being honest, considerate, and courteous towards others
  • Behaving in a respectful manner towards others so that they do not feel that they are being harassed, bullied, or coerced, whether within or outside the University
  • Acting responsibly and showing respect for University property
  • Showing consideration for others
  • Acting within the law and not engaging in any activity or behaviour (including on social media) that is likely to bring the University into disrepute.

Examples of unacceptable behaviour include:

  • Violence against another person (including threats to hurt)
  • Indecent, threatening, intimidating or offensive behaviour or language (including that of a sexualised nature)
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Abusive comments (including those that relate to sex, religion, sexuality, and race), whether in person or online
  • Possessing, supplying or selling any controlled drug or psychoactive substance (such as cannabis, LSD, cocaine, MDMA) on University property
  • Significant damage to University property or property of other students, staff or visitors to the University
  • Unauthorised use of University property
  • Disruption of University activities (including lectures, meetings, sporting and social activities)
  • Contempt of the University’s disciplinary authorities
  • Falsification of University documentation or documents in relation to the University
  • Impersonation of others in connection with the University
  • Misuse of IT facilities
  • Persistent minor offences
  • Offences that result in a criminal conviction
  • Serious plagiarism
  • Taking non-permitted items into an examination which could give the student an unfair advantage (including notes, mobile phones and smart watches).

Note: This list is not exhaustive, and unacceptable behaviour can take place in person as well as via social media.  If you are studying abroad there may be additional expectations regarding behaviour, in line with local laws and customs.

Students registered on Fitness to Practise programmes may have further obligations placed on them with regard to their expected behaviour.

Further Information

Regulation 8: Student Conduct (PDF - 164KB) (includes a list of breaches and sanctions for summary (minor) offences)
Code of Practice on Academic Integrity (PDF - 398KB) (includes a list of sanctions that can be imposed by an Academic Integrity Officer)
Code of Practice on Misconduct and Fitness to Practise Committee (PDF - 307KB) (includes a list of sanctions that can be imposed by a Misconduct and Fitness to Practise Committee)
Policy on Harassment and Bullying (PDF - 456KB) (includes a list of behaviours that would be deemed as harassment or bullying)




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