Careers Support for you

Adult learners studying at the University of Birmingham have access to a range of careers support during, and after, their bootcamp.

The following is a summary of the Careers Network offer to our adult learners.

Careers Connect

Careers Connect is the online portal which provides UoB students and graduates access to events, articles and vacancies.

  • Events - browse and book onto a workshop or employer event
  • Jobs/vacancies - view all the latest jobs and opportunities
  • Career Discovery Feed - 1000s of industry and sector articles


Careers Network run a range of careers events throughout the year, from CV sessions, interview tips, employer events and careers fairs.

Events are either face to face on campus, online or hybrid.

Insight Into events

Insight Into events enable you to hear from professionals from a range of sectors via speaker panels, Q&A sessions and networking. Choose an industry sector to view events for that sector.

Top Tips workshops

Careers Network run Top Tips workshops covering CVs, covering letters, online applications, LinkedIn and interviews.

Digital resource hub

The digital resource hub contains all the online resources available to our students and graduates, 24/7.

  • Instant CV checker
  • Practice interview software
  • Psychometric tests
  • Podcasts
  • Event recordings and more

Guidance appointments

Careers guidance appointments are available to you - you can book these via Careers Connect.


Professional Services