Religion and belief careers support

At the University of Birmingham, we recognise that our student body is comprised of many religions and a wide variety of beliefs.

In Careers Network, we want to ensure that everyone feels that they are supported by the University and employers when moving into the working world by:

  • Connecting you to employers and job opportunities that will enable you to achieve your full potential, and give you fair access to graduate roles
  • Providing information about bespoke mentoring and internship opportunities, and organisations with programmes that support ethnic minority students develop personally and professionally
  • Connecting you to staff, students and alumni with a similar background and experiences, and who can support you through peer or alumni mentoring, or with careers advice and guidance
  • Providing resources to help you understand what to expect from an employer and how to talk about equality, diversity, and inclusion in employment, and keep you informed about your equal rights.

Connecting you to employers

Employers have a legal duty not to discriminate against a person based upon their religion or belief. At the University, we will only work with employers who recognise that by supporting their staff’s religion and beliefs, it will ensure good staff morale and create a welcoming environment. By attending employer events and fairs that are listed on the Careers Connect page, you can meet these people.

Your religious, philosophical and cultural beliefs will shape you and influence your career choices. Many employers will recognise the importance and advantages of recruiting a diverse workforce that bring a wide range of skills, expertise and knowledge to the organisation.

If you’re looking to gauge whether a recruiter or employer is inclusive when it comes to faith issues, their HR and equal opportunities policies should provide the insight you need. Remember that an employer is not legally required to allow time off or facilities for religious observance, but it's good practice for them to do so. Most employers will have an equality statement or section on equality and diversity on their site. Employer websites can also be a great way to gauge how ethically the organisation is run.

You can also get a detailed overview of their corporate culture and inclusivity efforts by looking through their respective profiles on LinkedIn.

Religion or belief discrimination | Equality and Human Rights Commission ( – Know what your rights are in the workplace.

2022/2023 Rankings | Inclusive Companies - league table of the most inclusive employers in the UK.

UK employment law, recruitment and the workplace: an explainer ( – Knowing your rights within the workplace.

Religion and belief employment guide | MyPort - this employment guide looks at how to find out about an employer's culture and advice on talking about your beliefs.

Gaining work experience

Whilst you are studying here at UoB, you can gain work experience, which will support you in your employability.

There are many ways to gain this experience, either through our programmes at UoB or with external organisations.

Remember, work experience does not have to be a full-time internship; it can be something which fits around your studies during term-time or during the holidays.

If working during term time, the University recommends that you only work 15 hours maximum per week to support you in balancing your studies with work. 

Resource list

Internal opportunities at UoB

External opportunities

Mentoring and networking

Mentoring schemes and networking allows students to engage with industry professionals that are like-minded, who help initiate conversation around you and your career development.

They empower and motivate you to understand your goals and advise you on how you can achieve these.

Resource list

External resources

  • Equality and Human Rights Commission - information about employment rights 
  • LinkedIn is a great place to find out about virtual and face-to-face events.
  • Read the trade media and websites for your sector.
  • Step — connects students to internship opportunities
  • Union Learn — virtual mentors to help you identify the skills you’re currently developing, or may wish to develop in the future
  • You can use Meetup to find groups in your area who can offer support.

Support at UoB

Multi-faith Chaplaincy (

Welcome to Support - Guild of Students – As a student of UoB you are a member of the Guild of Students. They are here to help you during your time at university and are a great support network.

Search Groups - Guild of Students – There are a variety of Societies, Groups and Associations through the Guild of Students where you can find students who have the same religion and beliefs as you.

faqs-religious-observances-22-23.pdf ( - Code of Practice on Accommodating Students’ Religious Observances

Chat with us - University of Birmingham – Find students like you at the University.

Driving the change within

Meet our students and graduates who come from a varied range of backgrounds sharing their success stories and what helped them the most: Hear from our students

Finding Employment – your rights

This section aims to provide you with further advice on finding various opportunities, organisations and networks that support our students and graduates with their religion and beliefs.

Employers drive to have a diverse organisation has improved over time and has become more inclusive in their recruitment process.

What to look for when researching employers

When considering potential employers, it's essential to research their commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Look for evidence of workplace accommodations, inclusive policies, employee resource groups, and testimonials, ensuring their actions align with their stated values.

Research checklist


Professional Services