Academic Skills Support with assignments and assessments

Graphic of a laptop and an open book
Come to an ASC drop-in!

During December, here at the Academic Skills Centre we’re running a range of drop-ins and workshops to support you in preparing for your assignments and assessments. We’d love to see you! Coming up:

  • If you have a quick question about preparing for exams, time management, referencing, researching, assignment planning, writing and more, then why not visit us, or hop online, at one of our drop-ins?
  • Throughout week 11 we’re also running a whole range of workshops to support you with revision and preparing for assessments.
  • To book an appointment with us instead, visit our one-one appointment bookings page.
  •  And don’t forget, if you’ve missed any of our Scholar workshops this semester, then you can catch up on all the recordings and materials via our ASC workshops page.

We hope to see you really soon!


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